Thursday, 20 June 2013

When everything goes wrong...but I still did it!

Oh my word.  I'm on day 4 of this new fitness program and everything that could go wrong seems to have gone wrong!  I slept in by about 15 mins...not too bad.  I get up and remember, oh ya, my laptop died yesterday. I need to stream the workout video online. So I go to get my hubby's lil acer notebook...cannot find the power cord and its not charged.  I spent at least 15 mins hunting for the cord, then thought I'll just try to watch the video on my phone.  It says I can't watch it on mobile.  So I resume hunting for the cord.  I wake up my bear of a husband (he is NOT a morning person) and he directs me to his office for the cord.  His office is tiny and its kind of in a large closet with no windows, the light bulb is burnt out.  I replace the bulb and start searching, nope.  I ask him to please help me find it.  He finally gets up, fairly irritated and helps me find the cord.  We live out in the middle of no where and have no high speed internet, we do all our online activity through our phone's takes FOREVER to get through the website and find a video.  I don't even think I'm doing the right one but its getting late, I'm soon going to need to get my kids up for school.  So, its not streaming well and its kinda choppy and I figure, who cares.  Well my hubby starts complaining about it as he is now looking through the website on his phone talking about how poorly set up it is and complaining that I would spend money on this.  I get through the work out painfully, quickly shower and then start rushing around to get my kids ready for school. 

The kids are actually in a pretty good mood because last night I went shopping for some new undies for my girlie and bought some "new" shoes from value village for my boy.  We have a shoe problem at our home right now...well it actually a dog problem.  If the kids leave their shoes outside while playing, which seems to be a regular occurrence, our two rottie/border collie cross year old pups... SHRED the shoes!  So just as I'm thinking that my stress level is diminishing and proud of myself for persevering through an aggravating morning I look out the window and realize that my 3 year old boy left HIS runners in the back yard.  ARGH!!!!!  So anyways... I'm now finally sitting down to my first cup of black coffee with a stevia packet, which today tastes disgusting!  What I wouldn't give for a double double.

If I can't have it I will enjoy a picture of it!
On a strange little side note, while I was shopping in Wal-Mart yesterday and the smell from McDonalds was calling my name...until I looked over and gazed at all the people sitting in there.  Now I don't want to sound mean, and I know that what I saw is not ALWAYS the case but last night at 9:45pm in McDonalds there were about 5-8 people sitting around in there, alone and they were all some level of overweight.  I stopped and thought to myself, I'm not doing THAT again.  And I happily went home knowing that I am changing the way I do things :)  By the way...I lost half a pound yesterday! 180.5   :)

Mmm... Big Mac... Good-bye you back-stabbing "friend"

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