Monday, 5 August 2013

White Hot August!!

This month there is a before and after pic challenge at Revolt!  The challenge is to buy an article of white clothing that is too tight, take a pic and then work the program and take an after pic at the end of the month!  I'm super excited!  I bought a pair of white shorts, size 12 that I can just barely do up.  Here's my pics.

I can't wait till the end of August to show you my awesome after pics and hopefully win that gift card!!!!

My current stats, which make me feel pretty awesome by the way, are....

Weight   172
Waist      34"
Bust        39"
Chest      34"
Hips        39"
Thighs     24"
Biceps     12"

My overall body fat percentage is currently 24.8%  (which is will add is considered "average")
I have a lean mass of 129.3 pounds!

Those last 2 numbers make me feel pretty freakin awesome because I'm down 4% body fat and up 12 pounds lean mass!!!!!  So while I lost only about 6 pounds since July 11... I've GAINED 12 pounds of muscle!!!!!  These numbers feel fantastic!!!!

I have always been a slave to that number on the scale but thanks to Nichole and all the other wonderful women doing Revolt I started taking my body fat measurements using calipers in addition to my scale weight and I must say it is more than a little encouraging to know how much muscle I'm gaining!!!!

Off to go kick some butt in my workout today!  I saw a great motivational quote yesterday that I'll share to hopefully inspire you.... "There's 7 days in the week and 'someday' isn't one of them"  Get on this TODAY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! It feels amazing knowing how much muscle you've gained vs how much fat you lost! :D
