Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Day in the life of a Stay at Home Mom

Some days I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything.... and then I start listing off everything I've done today in my head and feel better.  Although you wouldn't know it to look around my house/yard I truly feel like I hardly stop doing stuff! 

Today I woke up late.  So I quickly made lunches, got the big kids up, fed, prodded them along to get dressed and out the door for school.  As they were leaving the lil ones awoke, so I fed myself and them breakfast and washed up all the dishes.  I began washing, folding and putting away laundry (a never-ending chore in this house).  I cleaned my bathtub and bathed the two lil ones.  I made lunch and put my wee one for a nap.  Now I'm still folding laundry and about to sit down and read the Wild Man a few stories.

On my list of still to do. Do my workout.  Take a shower.  Wash up lunch dishes.  Clean up the carrots the neighbor dropped off.  Sweep and mop all my floors.  Vacuum the 2 carpeted rooms.  Continue with the laundry folding and putting away (seriously, I never see the end of it!) And hopefully I can find some time to leave the house and pick  up some milk, eggs and other essentials that are running low.

On my great big list that I never seem to get to because the daily tasks never even get finished.... Clean my oven, move my stove and clean beneath it.  De-clutter the tops of all the surfaces where junk collects.  Sort out all my cupboards and get rid of some stuff that I never use, wash out all the cupboards while I'm in there.  Sort out the shoe shelf in the porch.  Haul all the unused stuff to my fav 2nd hand store. 

Well, I'm tired just looking at all that I've typed and I finished my coffee.  Back to work!

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