Monday, 23 September 2013

What a week.

So I had a bad week.  I went out with some girlfriends last Saturday night and although I had a fabulously fun night, I was out WAAAAY past my bedtime.  But of course moms don't get to take a "day off" and recoup so I was working with a sleep deficit already.  Monday, I slept till 7am instead of 5 so I had to send the big kids off to school before working out.  I found it really irritating trying to work out with the lil ones underfoot.  I had a bad sleep and slept till 7 again Tuesday morning!  Being in a bad mood I decided to skip that workout and make it up Wednesday (which is normally my rest day). 

Well, Tuesday night my hubby was working late.  I hadn't heard from him since early Tuesday morning and as the evening wore on, I became more and more worried.  By midnight I was feeling actually quite panicky.  His phone was going straight to machine and even logging into his "find my phone" app on the computer didn't turn up any hits on a map.  I tried to go to sleep and had a restless worried nap for a couple hours.  At that point I called the local hospital.... seriously I did.  At 3am sick of tossing and turning I thought maybe watching some tv would take my mind off my hubby.  Finally, at 4:30am my phone rang!  He was still an hour away but finally calling me!  Turns out that he was working on someone's septic system quite far away.  He didn't arrive until around 8pm and was working till around 11:30.  He had no cell signal in the area.  On the drive home he started falling asleep at the wheel so thought he'd pull over and nap for a bit.  Well he fell asleep till 4am!!!  

What a stressful beginning to my week.  I kinda "threw in the towel" with regards to workouts.  I got one more in on Thursday.  As for food, I was half and half.  I tried to eat on menu, but also made some reasonable substitutions and made some all out "bad" choices.  In the end, I maintained last week's weight!  Which I was super happy about since I had such a wonky week.

This week is starting off pretty good!  Had a relaxing weekend with my family, had a nice long talk with hubby about how other people have phones too.  The kids have the day off school today which is nice because I didn't quite get caught up on laundry.  The only bad thing is my baby girl seems to have come down with something so she is feverish, whiny and clingy  :( 

I did my workout already!  I didn't quite get up for 5, seems I'm really struggling to accomplish this.  I need to get to bed mega early tonight to see if I can sort myself out.  I'm excited to start a new week of new food... the menu looks really nummy!  I'm getting a little sick of booty month, feel like I'm losing all that nice muscle tone from my arms :(  Plus my legs are just killing me!  Well, I'm off to make a cup of coffee!

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