Sunday, 27 October 2013

Bring back the rainbows!

I thought I was going to be awesome at this forever and I've kind of lost a little steam.  I seem to have a bit of a mental block with my workouts lately.  I do them but I'm just not putting as much into them as before.  I don't have the drive to just push myself harder, I don't sweat as much, and I seem to be able to just squeak out the bare minimum. 

Then there is the diet.  I am annoyed by the meal plans lately rather than excited.  She is still posting the most delicious looking meals, and I think that I'd like to make them... but then I read the ingredient list and think about how hard to find some of the ingredients might be or just that its a long list of ingredients and I'm instantly annoyed.  I ended up this week to just really simplify things.  I just made meals for my family and would eat whatever protein we were having plus a great big salad.  I think my lack of intensity in workouts combined with not eating quite as good as before could be why I'm not losing these last few pounds.  I've actually gained about a pound... ugh.  I realize this isn't that big of a deal and I'm sure I'll get back on track soon. 

I just wanted to share that this weightloss thing isn't always rainbows and butterflies!  I mean, I hope no one ever thinks its easy to lose weight.  It takes a lot of really hard work and determination!  I think that once you get your head into it and just really commit to it, it does feel easy.  But wow, times like these when I'm just not wanting to do it really suck.  I'm hoping to just power through this soon and find my groove again, I'm sure I will.

I wonder if part of the problem is that I'm in a bit of a happy rut with my body!  I honestly just love the way I look right now!  I can shop in any store I want!  I'm buying sizes that I haven't even glanced at in YEARS!  I also think that I'm enjoying my clothes right now.  For a while there I'd get so annoyed because I would buy myself a cute outfit and then "shrink" out of it before really getting to wear it much!  So now I'm actually wearing the same size long enough that I've accumulated a bit of a collection of outfits and I'm really really happy!  I am hoping that since I only have around 8 pounds left to lose that my size won't change and that instead my clothes will just fit a little smoother in the tummy area and thighs.  But I also am at a place where I wonder if I might end up wanting to lose just a little more than my original goal weight. 

I think that is a little depressing too, because if that's true... that to get a really slim, toned looking body I still need to lose say another 20ish pounds... then ugh... I still need to lose another 20 pounds!!!!  Well anyways, no need to think that far ahead now!  I'm finally close to hitting 150 pounds!  I feel pretty darn proud of the 80+ pounds I've lost so far!  I hope I soon jump back into a loving to workout, loving my mealplans mind set! 

I do have plans to do a 5k training program with a friend of mine at the gym very soon!  My hubby's work hours are finally slowing down a little so I can hopefully start getting to the gym again soon!  For me, getting to the gym last winter happened a little too late to curb my horrible winter blues that I am prone to experiencing.  So this year, we are putting it into action a little sooner.  I am starting to take a good vitamin D supplement, I am going to start going to the tanning beds for light therapy and of course the gym.... this will have the double benefit of getting me regular exercise as well as getting me out of the house to avoid 'cabin fever' in our bitter cold winter!

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