I almost didn't blog today. I'm so sad. I went through the difficult task of detaching myself from my beloved scale for a whole week....and it kicked me in the arse.
So before I disclose the wretched truth I'll tell that this week I started my period. I am bloated and hungry and bitchy. I tried to not get discouraged but I did cheat on my meal plan a little, everyday. So I suppose I shouldn't be completely surprised by my scale's revelation this morning. But it still hurts to be betrayed by something I'm so close to. I was up a pound from last week :( Actually 1.2 pounds. 177.6 *oof* Depressing.
My husband and my dear friend reminded me that I'm probably retaining water due to my lady time. So I googled to see if they are just humoring me. I am happy to report that according to many women on a thread discussing this exact topic, say the same thing! Actually, some of them noted that they are often up as much as 5-10 pounds!!! woah! I suppose I should thank my lucky stars that I didn't gain THAT much! Here's the link.
I still managed to get my workout in this morning, despite my great sadness as a result of my failure. So, I am just hoping that I can do better next week. I feel torn between resuming my daily weigh-ins so I won't be so stunned if something like this happens again and trying to stay off it again this week to see if I like it better when it's not that time of the month.
Regardless, I hope that by reporting this news other people trying to accomplish this huge task of getting in shape and eating healthy can feel that they are not alone if this happens or has happened to you.
I've got a big task today. Heading out of my house to take the kids for a playdate at a friend's house. This means I have to pack along my food to eat there and not eat birthday cake. I'm also going to bring 2 full litres of water so hopefully I can stick to my meal plan and avoid the temptations. Wish me luck!
Its true btw, when i have my period i usually go up a few pounds and then it comes right back down afterwards. Ive never had anything as high as 10 lbs but I have had as high as 5, and its scary cuz it comes out of no where lol