Sunday, 27 October 2013

Bring back the rainbows!

I thought I was going to be awesome at this forever and I've kind of lost a little steam.  I seem to have a bit of a mental block with my workouts lately.  I do them but I'm just not putting as much into them as before.  I don't have the drive to just push myself harder, I don't sweat as much, and I seem to be able to just squeak out the bare minimum. 

Then there is the diet.  I am annoyed by the meal plans lately rather than excited.  She is still posting the most delicious looking meals, and I think that I'd like to make them... but then I read the ingredient list and think about how hard to find some of the ingredients might be or just that its a long list of ingredients and I'm instantly annoyed.  I ended up this week to just really simplify things.  I just made meals for my family and would eat whatever protein we were having plus a great big salad.  I think my lack of intensity in workouts combined with not eating quite as good as before could be why I'm not losing these last few pounds.  I've actually gained about a pound... ugh.  I realize this isn't that big of a deal and I'm sure I'll get back on track soon. 

I just wanted to share that this weightloss thing isn't always rainbows and butterflies!  I mean, I hope no one ever thinks its easy to lose weight.  It takes a lot of really hard work and determination!  I think that once you get your head into it and just really commit to it, it does feel easy.  But wow, times like these when I'm just not wanting to do it really suck.  I'm hoping to just power through this soon and find my groove again, I'm sure I will.

I wonder if part of the problem is that I'm in a bit of a happy rut with my body!  I honestly just love the way I look right now!  I can shop in any store I want!  I'm buying sizes that I haven't even glanced at in YEARS!  I also think that I'm enjoying my clothes right now.  For a while there I'd get so annoyed because I would buy myself a cute outfit and then "shrink" out of it before really getting to wear it much!  So now I'm actually wearing the same size long enough that I've accumulated a bit of a collection of outfits and I'm really really happy!  I am hoping that since I only have around 8 pounds left to lose that my size won't change and that instead my clothes will just fit a little smoother in the tummy area and thighs.  But I also am at a place where I wonder if I might end up wanting to lose just a little more than my original goal weight. 

I think that is a little depressing too, because if that's true... that to get a really slim, toned looking body I still need to lose say another 20ish pounds... then ugh... I still need to lose another 20 pounds!!!!  Well anyways, no need to think that far ahead now!  I'm finally close to hitting 150 pounds!  I feel pretty darn proud of the 80+ pounds I've lost so far!  I hope I soon jump back into a loving to workout, loving my mealplans mind set! 

I do have plans to do a 5k training program with a friend of mine at the gym very soon!  My hubby's work hours are finally slowing down a little so I can hopefully start getting to the gym again soon!  For me, getting to the gym last winter happened a little too late to curb my horrible winter blues that I am prone to experiencing.  So this year, we are putting it into action a little sooner.  I am starting to take a good vitamin D supplement, I am going to start going to the tanning beds for light therapy and of course the gym.... this will have the double benefit of getting me regular exercise as well as getting me out of the house to avoid 'cabin fever' in our bitter cold winter!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Clothes vs No clothes.

Life has gotten busy again and I haven't blogged in awhile.  I think my weightloss blogging is getting  dull.  I have nothing much new to report.  My weight is still coming off, I am 157 pounds as of this morning.  So 7 more pounds to reach my goal!!!  Pretty darn exciting!  I feel amazing with how things are going!  I think this is something I can easily keep doing!  Its just part of my life now.  I workout, I eat right.  I don't even enjoy the junk food to the same degree.  My hubby and I were discussing it and I said I used to think about food ALL THE TIME!  I would be plotting the next thing I was going to eat while I was eating!  It was obsessive!  Now I really don't think about food at all.  I know what I'm eating for the week and if anything I'm annoyed about food and often find myself wishing that I didn't HAVE to eat.  This is a huge change for me!  HUGE!  I really used food like a drug for quite a long time!  I can't believe that I actually weigh a little less than I did through high school!  I've lost a total of 83 pounds, which although phenominal, my poor body looks a little deflated.  I see loose saggy skin hanging off me in places.  So I love how I look in clothes, but I'm a little disappointed with how I look undressed.  But since my hubby loves the way I look, why should I care! 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Comparing All my "Diets"

Oh yes, I have a blog.  I keep forgetting!  So, on the weight loss journey.  Its still moving downward.  I don't have far to go!  It is a little frustrating to be so close to that goal I set so long ago but to be moving as fast as molasses uphill in January!  I started out Sept. 6 at 164.6 and ended Sept. 27 at 162.8  So I did lose in the end!  Only 1.8 pounds, but at least I didn't gain anything!   I'm down to that talked about "last 10 pounds"  well ALMOST!  haha.  As of this morning I weighed 161.4, so that is 11.4 pounds left.  I remember when I started running at the gym is January... weighing a massive 220 pounds and I lost a whopping 12 pounds or so that first month!  Now, close to the end of it all and I think I'll be lucky to lose this last 11.4 pounds by January!  (especially since I have Thanksgiving and Christmas in between!)  But, I don't mean to sound negative at all!  I actually need to immediately turn this into the biggest positive I can!  I FEEL GREAT!  Being this close to my goal means that every single time I get dressed, I am HAPPY with my reflection!  I look at the person standing there and I don't say "well, at least I have a pretty face" or "good thing my hair looks good today"  I look at ME from head to toe and say, "there is a beautiful, strong, healthy woman who is confident and happy!"  When I go to try on new clothes and fit into things that say "medium" in the tag.... or try on my teensy sister-in-laws leather jacket that has the word "small" in the tag and not only does it fit, but it looks GOOD.... I feel this sense of accomplishment that just hasn't completely sunk in yet.  I never plan on quitting Revolt by the way.  I see this as an awesome addition to my life.  It keeps me healthy, strong, confident and happy!  This isn't a "diet" its a way to live my life!

I want to make a huge comparison for you. 

CALORIE COUNTING     When I was dieting after having my boys, I was calorie counting.  I liked this and would call it "food budgeting" because I could eat anything I wanted so long as the numbers added up to whatever my magic number, decided by some online calorie calculator based on my height/weight/activity level, had told me to aim for.  I was always hungry.  I came to appreciate the hunger as a sign that I was losing weight.  When I would go to bed with a growling stomach I would think to myself  "I'm going to see a great number on that scale in the morning!"   I even started fasting every Monday.  To purge whatever weight I had gained over the weekend.  I would only drink around 500 calories.  Usually a couple protein shakes and a few energy drinks or coffee.  It always worked well and each time I did this calorie counting diet (twice) I would get down to around 185 pounds before getting pregnant again.   

EATING WELL AND EXERCISING   Before I started Revolt I decided to start the C25K running program with my awesome friend Sarah!  We were able to get to the gym 3 nights a week because my hubby's work hours slow down in the winter.  It was a fabulous start to exercising.  Any time I'd tried to do any workout videos I found them HARD.  The exercises were difficult, they were too fast paced, and I felt like I needed to have a degree in dance to follow the moves.  Running was dummy proof.  RUN FATTY RUN!  haha!   I didn't religiously count calories like I had in the past but simply tried to eat well and skip the junk.  I found that I quickly got into a food rut, eating the same thing every single day.  I lost 35 pounds, then hubby's work hours picked up so no gym for me.  I managed to maintain my loss by just eating well but I was stuck.  I was getting sick of my food and I wasn't losing weight.....

WWW.REVOLTNOWFITNESS.COM !!!!!    So about this time my wonderful sister-in-law Chelsea told me about this fitness thing she joined.  I protested.  I HATED workout videos and any meal plans I had seen had complicated recipes that made grocery shopping frustrating and EXPENSIVE.  I did not want to join up with this idea.  She convinced me finally to try the week free that is offered.  I figured, "why not".  I didn't have high hopes but gave it a go.  I was hooked by day 3!!!!  That's when I signed up for a year's subscription!  The exercises are just that... things like jumping jacks, push-ups and other SIMPLE movements that don't require fancy footwork or high speed routines!  I just needed to buy some equipment... which compared to the cost of most fitness programs or gym memberships, this was not an expensive endeavour.  As for the food, I love that rather than 1 week of 3 different recipes per day adding up to a whopping 18 NEW recipes with unfamiliar ingredients, we get 3 recipes for the whole week.  I can shop for that.  Since joining, I've had some things I hated and some I loved.  There is a huge list of acceptable substitutions so if you just HATE fish or tomatoes or whatever, sub it for something on the list!   I think the best part about the food is that I'm never hungry.  I'm always satisfied and happy with the meals I'm eating.  I eat more calories now at 161.4 pounds than I was living off of at 185 pounds!!!  Yes, that's right... because I've built up muscle, I can EAT MORE!!!!  Because my body is burning calories just being at rest because I'm so strong and AWESOME!   I'm seeing muscle definition and I'm even seeing some of my "loose skin" starting to tighten up little by little!  And let me tell you I'm still not even that good at these exercises!  I can still barely do a "girl" push-up, I struggle to squeeze 12 burpees out and my arms are quivering after 15 seconds of my 30 second plank!

I will admit that I'm increasingly tempted to drastically reduce my calories just to see these last few pounds come off.  It would be so exciting to quickly jump to that goal.  But, I keep reminding myself that at this point, why would I want to lose that lean mass?  Why would I want to get out of the good habits I've been instilling and most of all.... why would I want to live hungry again???  Besides, I'm actually pretty darn happy with how I look right now  :)  So I see no reason to make myself miserable! 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Thank goodness for calipers!

I think I'm getting much more consistent with using my calipers... and either way if I'm doing it wrong at least I'm doing it wrong consistently :)  I'm losing a LOT more slowly than I have been this whole process but to be honest my caliper measurements did have me losing a little bit of lean mass for a bit.  I, being a slave to my scale, ignore that fact instead just happy to see my BIG number getting smaller.  So here are the screen shots of my body fat % calculations.

I'd have to look up the dates that correlate to these screen shots but if you'll notice I had actually lost 2 pounds of lean mass at the beginning of this month and I haven't lost a damn thing all month so far so I figured I really out to pull out my trusty calipers and take some measurements... so stinkin glad I did!!!  See??!  I was busy building up my lean mass!  I lost almost 2% of body fat even though my scale stayed the same  :)  

THIS is why the scale cannot be your only tool for measuring progress!  I'm so happy that I take these measurements  :)

Oh... and in case you're wondering on the consistency of those bottom two numbers... I can never remember which is subscapular or iliac so I just plug those into either because I've swapped them around and the calculator still comes up with the same numbers on top :) 

I would never have thought to do this if not for Nichole at !!!  If you want awesome support, great workouts, fabulous meal plans... join up!  I swear you'll love it!!!!

Monday, 23 September 2013

What a week.

So I had a bad week.  I went out with some girlfriends last Saturday night and although I had a fabulously fun night, I was out WAAAAY past my bedtime.  But of course moms don't get to take a "day off" and recoup so I was working with a sleep deficit already.  Monday, I slept till 7am instead of 5 so I had to send the big kids off to school before working out.  I found it really irritating trying to work out with the lil ones underfoot.  I had a bad sleep and slept till 7 again Tuesday morning!  Being in a bad mood I decided to skip that workout and make it up Wednesday (which is normally my rest day). 

Well, Tuesday night my hubby was working late.  I hadn't heard from him since early Tuesday morning and as the evening wore on, I became more and more worried.  By midnight I was feeling actually quite panicky.  His phone was going straight to machine and even logging into his "find my phone" app on the computer didn't turn up any hits on a map.  I tried to go to sleep and had a restless worried nap for a couple hours.  At that point I called the local hospital.... seriously I did.  At 3am sick of tossing and turning I thought maybe watching some tv would take my mind off my hubby.  Finally, at 4:30am my phone rang!  He was still an hour away but finally calling me!  Turns out that he was working on someone's septic system quite far away.  He didn't arrive until around 8pm and was working till around 11:30.  He had no cell signal in the area.  On the drive home he started falling asleep at the wheel so thought he'd pull over and nap for a bit.  Well he fell asleep till 4am!!!  

What a stressful beginning to my week.  I kinda "threw in the towel" with regards to workouts.  I got one more in on Thursday.  As for food, I was half and half.  I tried to eat on menu, but also made some reasonable substitutions and made some all out "bad" choices.  In the end, I maintained last week's weight!  Which I was super happy about since I had such a wonky week.

This week is starting off pretty good!  Had a relaxing weekend with my family, had a nice long talk with hubby about how other people have phones too.  The kids have the day off school today which is nice because I didn't quite get caught up on laundry.  The only bad thing is my baby girl seems to have come down with something so she is feverish, whiny and clingy  :( 

I did my workout already!  I didn't quite get up for 5, seems I'm really struggling to accomplish this.  I need to get to bed mega early tonight to see if I can sort myself out.  I'm excited to start a new week of new food... the menu looks really nummy!  I'm getting a little sick of booty month, feel like I'm losing all that nice muscle tone from my arms :(  Plus my legs are just killing me!  Well, I'm off to make a cup of coffee!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Day in the life of a Stay at Home Mom

Some days I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything.... and then I start listing off everything I've done today in my head and feel better.  Although you wouldn't know it to look around my house/yard I truly feel like I hardly stop doing stuff! 

Today I woke up late.  So I quickly made lunches, got the big kids up, fed, prodded them along to get dressed and out the door for school.  As they were leaving the lil ones awoke, so I fed myself and them breakfast and washed up all the dishes.  I began washing, folding and putting away laundry (a never-ending chore in this house).  I cleaned my bathtub and bathed the two lil ones.  I made lunch and put my wee one for a nap.  Now I'm still folding laundry and about to sit down and read the Wild Man a few stories.

On my list of still to do. Do my workout.  Take a shower.  Wash up lunch dishes.  Clean up the carrots the neighbor dropped off.  Sweep and mop all my floors.  Vacuum the 2 carpeted rooms.  Continue with the laundry folding and putting away (seriously, I never see the end of it!) And hopefully I can find some time to leave the house and pick  up some milk, eggs and other essentials that are running low.

On my great big list that I never seem to get to because the daily tasks never even get finished.... Clean my oven, move my stove and clean beneath it.  De-clutter the tops of all the surfaces where junk collects.  Sort out all my cupboards and get rid of some stuff that I never use, wash out all the cupboards while I'm in there.  Sort out the shoe shelf in the porch.  Haul all the unused stuff to my fav 2nd hand store. 

Well, I'm tired just looking at all that I've typed and I finished my coffee.  Back to work!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Size 10 baby!!!!

Its a tight fit.... but this is the FIRST time I've worn this size since I was probably 16 years old!!!!  I'm just so freakin excited I can't even tell you!  Now, these might very well be a "large" 10 or whatever but the tag says 10, so I'm gonna jump for joy!  Here's some pics with my webcam  :)

So I am definitely losing numbers a lot slower than at the beginning.  But I seem to be continuing to lose 1 pound a week... which is nothing to feel bad about!  Its a bit of an adjustment to not see drastic results anymore but I keep looking to the fit of my clothes to remind me just how awesome I'm doing!!! 

I still LOVE doing this program by the way!  You would think that by the 14th week I'd be sick of it but I'm really not!  I sometimes lack the motivation to do my workouts but I push myself to it and when I'm done I feel like a SUPERSTAR!  I sometimes wanna eat junk but I choose to eat my prepped food instead and feel PROUD! 

Once again....  NICHOLE HUNTSMAN.... I totally LOVE you!!!!

Monday, 9 September 2013

That hot pink bikini!

When I started Revolt I took before pictures wearing this hot pink bikini that I've NEVER worn outside my house.  As I mentioned the other day, my starting weight at that point was 185.  So in 12 weeks I lost 20 pounds!  I'm really really happy with my results so far on this program!  I'm definitely committed to follow it for another 12 weeks for sure as I want to see my body fat % come down a bit more.  I think today seems like a great day to look at ALL my progress!  I started at 240 pounds and currently weigh 165 pounds!  That means that over the last 2 years I've lost a whopping 75 pounds!!!  And 55 of those pounds came off since January 2013 which was only 9 months ago.

My heaviest weight.  240 pounds.
In January, I started running at the gym with a friend.  I was just trying to eat reasonably well, mostly counting calories while trying to avoid "junk" food.  From Jan - Mar I lost 35 pounds!
 Here the fabulous hot pink bikini pic where I let it all hang out!  On the left is my "before" start of revolt.  On the right is 12 weeks later!  Taken last Friday at 165 pounds!  I feel really proud of all my progress!

So here are some of the more recent pictures of me, clothed.  because lets face it, I still look MUCH better with clothes on than in my hot pink bikini!
Kind of a blurry selfie but check out my legs in these size 12 shorts!
Taken this morning, no makeup, bla clothes and I'm still proud to post it!

And of course... this is what Revolt is doing for my muscle tone!  I never had muscle tone to speak of before this!
 I did lose a lot of my weight before starting Revolt, but it was always a struggle and I always felt hungry and deprived.  Now that I'm doing this, I feel stronger, happier and less hungry!!!  Here is more of what I love about this program!
1.  Someone else did all the work in putting together a balanced meal plan and thorough muscle-building fat-burning workout plan for me.  I just do what I'm told!
2. Although we eat the same meals for 1 week, the meals vary throughout the months so I've rarely made the same recipe twice since starting this 12 weeks ago!  I actually find I'm getting a LOT of variety!
3.  The online support and availability of this program's creator plus all the other people doing the same as me is indispensable!   
4.  PRICE!  This is the most reasonably priced program I've found yet.  I haven't looked at a lot, but I've looked at enough to know that I'm getting so so much and not having to spend a fortune!  I don't have to pay for new workouts, she just uploads them weekly for my use!  I get full access to the site (which includes the guide, the meal plans and the workouts) and to the support all with one fee!
5.  Its really working!
Its so worth it!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Life's moments!

These are my big lil's off for their first day of School!  (Taken on Wednesday)  I feel the need to explain my darling daughter's do.  I've been struggling to get this girl to even BRUSH her hair and while browsing books at my fav second hand store "The Treasure Chest" I found a Barbie book all about doing hair!  She picked this hairdo out of the book and I couldn't say "no" cause she actually requested me to brush and style her hair!  haha!

So that's leaves me these 2 wee lils to care for during the day!  Don't let this sweet pose fool ya, these 2 love to scrap!  That lil man has that 'do to warn people that he is a wild little guy!  My baby girl is all sugar a spice, but watch out for the spice ;)

And my most recent moment to share!  I got me some new ink!  Years ago before I got married I hard some hard times come.  My mother spent a long time in hospital and we thought we were going to lose her.  Thankfully we didn't.  During that time I got into a horrific vehicle accident and I myself should have died.  After the dust settled, I wanted to get a new tattoo to commemorate that my mother and I were still alive.  I found that beautiful fairy and took the pic to an artist.  When he added the color, I was disappointed.  I never LOVED the art.  I felt that this tattoo needed something and for years I secretly (and occasionally openly) regretted the work.  I did not communicate well enough what I was looking for and felt the color on her body was too dark and she didn't look feminine enough for me.  So I've been plotting for the past 2 years to do SOMETHING with this piece.  Finally, I felt confident that she needed to be sitting on something and needed some more feminine art surrounding her to bring new life into this art!  I could have never imagined it would turn out this good!!!!  I LOVE my fairy now!  This beautiful cherry blossom branch and flowers makes this piece something to be proud of a show off!  I couldn't be happier with how it turned out!!!! 

Friday, 6 September 2013

Its my Birthday!!!

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me!  So, its been a fabulous week so far!  I've stuck to the detox diet pretty darn close (best I've done at it yet!) and I lost 3.5 pounds this week!  yippee!!!  164.5   Do you know what that means????  Only 14.5 pounds to lose to hit my goal weight!!!!!  Oh my goodness, its getting so close! 

Today, I am up crazy early again.  Eating breakfast, gonna go workout, shower, get dressed.  Then I get my big lil's up and send them off to school :)  Next I'll get my lil lil's up and take them to a babysitter for a couple hours and I'm getting a massage!!!!  Thanks so much to my bff from high school recently reunited through Facebook.

I'm feeling pretty darn awesome!  Revolt Now Fitness has given me all the tools I need to live healthy and you know what... I never feel like I'm starving anymore.  Seriously, the only "cravings" I really get are not due to hunger, its just due to mentally "missing" those foods.  I don't think I'll EVER quit Revolt!  I've even reset my goals.  I am SUPER excited to be nearing my LONG awaited 150 pound goal.  However, my new goal revolves around body fat % instead.  I really want to see myself in the "lean" category.  So I know that I'm going to keep doing this and watch for that percentage to come down.  It seems to come down about 1% per week.

Oh ya, a little confession.  A while back I posted that I have 25% bf.  I, sadly, was wrong.  I've been practicing and practicing with those stupid calipers and I think I finally got the hang of it.  So, that one SHOULD have been 32%, last week I was 31% and sure enough this week I've come down some more and I'm 30% !!!  So, we'll see how quickly I can make THAT number shrink.  I'd like to see it around 20%

Better go workout so I have time to shower!!!  Seriously, if you haven't checked out you MUST!  I love Nichole and I love this program.  I'm not just plugging her either, I'm a paying customer!  She lets you try it out for free by the way.  And after that her prices are UBER reasonable considering everything you get!

Monday, 2 September 2013

White hot august.... not so hot

I didn't do as well as I hoped i would this month.  I will post my before and after photos.... but I only lost 4 pounds and about an inch off every measurement.  Which is still a fabulous result!  But not enough to make a huge difference in before and after pics. 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Raising the bar!

I started RevoltNowFitness with some pretty basic equipment.  I had an old set of weights that my mom bought for me from the sears catalog when I was a teenager.  3, 5, and 8 pound dumb bells.  I went out and purchased a $10 yoga mat and a $20 stability ball.  The challenge this week was to "raise the bar" and so I'm trying to do 5 sets instead of 4... which I accomplished yesterday!  But I'm also thinking its time to go invest in some more equipment.  I am always using my 8 pound weights and they are not as challenging as they were when I first started (yippee!  I'm getting stronger!).  So the only problem is that I need to scrape together enough money...those things are NOT cheap!  I want to get two 15 pound kettle balls and those things are 32.95 EACH!  Plus my yoga mat is not as sturdy as i would like and i find my shoes are starting to rip it up so I think I need to buy one of the more expensive gym mats I saw... another $30... and then I think I'd like 10 pound dumbbells... I'm just guessing that those will be close to $20 each.  Suddenly, I gotta spend close to $150 on equipment!  Boo!!!  But I suppose to get a gym membership is $150/year at the army base near here... which is super cheap but I'd still have to drive there and of course the big question of who will watch my kids for me while I go since hubby's work hours are LONG right now.  My other concern with this purchase is that I will need to "raise the bar" again in the near future.  I started this the 3rd week of June and in the 10 weeks I've been doing it I went from 5 to 8 pound weights.... so does that mean in another 10 weeks I'll need to spend more money??  

I'm still losing weight but it seems to be coming off slower now... which I suppose is understandable.  I'm a mere 18 pounds from my goal weight... which considering I've lost a whopping 72 pounds so far seems like a drop in the bucket!  But I was easily dropping 3-5 pounds per week in the first few months and have continued to lose around 2 pounds a week in the last few.  So I guess it stands to reason that I may only lose around 1 pound a week for this last bit.  I'm not giving up on that goal!  I set that goal back when my 5 year old was a newborn babe.  I lost around 40 pounds, then got pregnant.... lost 40 pounds, then got pregnant again.  So this is it, we aren't having any more babies... I am hitting that goal weight!!!!

Well my workout video is ready to go!  So I'm off to kick some butt again! 

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bad day...but didn't turn to food!!!

I shall tell you about my "fabulous" day yesterday.  I woke up in the morning and did my workout, showered, fed the kids breakfast... all that jazz.  Then hubby wakes (he had to work Sunday and didn't get home until midnight, so as his own boss, he gets to sleep in)  and I remind him that the older kids have an appointment at the eye doctor at 2:45.  He informs me that he has too much work lined up to take off early so I'll have to take all four kids to the appointment.  *scowl*  I had been reminding him regularly for a week.  So I accept my day is going to be chaotic.  I continue my morning catching up on mountains of laundry from our busy weekend spent at a family reunion and the beach.  Make lunch and laid down with my littlest lil to get her to nap before our busy afternoon. 

And then it begins.

I got up and washed up the dishes, looked at the clock and realized... its 2!  rats!  It takes 30 mins to drive to the city and I still have one kid napping and the rest are still running wild!  I get the older ones running in the direction of the van and fill up some water bottles (yes I always bring my water with me!  when aiming for a gallon a day, this task is a must!)  I take my diaper bag and water to the van and tried to start it to open the windows....bad thing #1 the battery is dead.  ugh.  I had left the headlights on.  While I begin dragging the battery charger and extension cord etc, I send my big girly to get the lil girly off my bed.  I get on the road at 2:26.  As I get to town I discover bad thing #2 my regular route is closed and I have to detour. Despite being late the appointment goes remarkably well, still no need to purchase expensive eyewear!  YIPPEE!

We head to McDonald's for some playtime.  I grab the kids a snack, had a minor run in with some grumpy family who apparantly get thoroughly irritated when OTHER families at McDonald's don't make their children eat their food before playing in the play structure and then moved on to Wal-Mart.  Getting the kids out of the van I'm holding lil girly in my arms, as I pull the sliding door shut she sees her blankie on the floor and reaches out her hand to point at it.... bad thing #3 I closed the door on her tiny little finger!!!!!!!!  OMG!!!!  I am the worst mother in the world!!!!!  I survey the damage and thankfully it does not appear broken and I'm able to calm her down with cuddles, kisses and apologies.

Collected all the groceries and headed to the checkout.... I turn to do a headcount and bad thing #4 my lil wild man is missing!  At first I'm pretty calm... I retrace my steps thinking "he must be nearby, he was just here a moment ago."  As I wander around the worry and pit in my stomach sets in, realizing that he is NOT nearby.  I don't believe it was very long but it felt like FOREVER!  I head to customer service and inform the clerk that my lil boy is lost.  They ask for a description and as I hear the intercom announce some sort of code color followed by "lost child, 3 year old little boy with a brown mohawk....." its trails off in my mind as I can't hold it together anymore and I start to bawl.  A nice clerk assures me that the employees are watching the exists, he will be in the building somewhere.  My lil girly pats my hand and says "hi mama".  I cry more.  I'm still scanning everywhere looking for him.  Finally, after what I'm sure was the longest few minutes of my life I see the lil wild man!!!!  I run towards him and scoop him up!!!!  So happy to be reunited!!!!

After all this crap, I did not turn to food.  I'm so happy to report that fact.  I feel like the crappiest mother on earth.  Hoping for a better day today.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Still working hard!

 Well, I'm still working hard at revolt!  I am only 20 pounds away from my goal weight and that feels fabulous!  I LOVE the way I look in clothes now!  I feel so much more confident and happy with my appearance.  I actually love doing my workouts now.  I used to HATE working out because I could hardly do the exercises and most definitely could not keep pace with Nichole.  But now I can do almost all of them (there's still a few that just frustrate me) and I can pretty much keep pace with her!  Yippee! 
 My 5 year old son was my workout photographer on Saturday.

I really struggles with pushups.  I watched this YouTube video last week and I'm going to try some of the ideas to work on my ability to do pushups.  Even modified pushups are a flop for me so I really need to work on that. 

Monday, 5 August 2013

White Hot August!!

This month there is a before and after pic challenge at Revolt!  The challenge is to buy an article of white clothing that is too tight, take a pic and then work the program and take an after pic at the end of the month!  I'm super excited!  I bought a pair of white shorts, size 12 that I can just barely do up.  Here's my pics.

I can't wait till the end of August to show you my awesome after pics and hopefully win that gift card!!!!

My current stats, which make me feel pretty awesome by the way, are....

Weight   172
Waist      34"
Bust        39"
Chest      34"
Hips        39"
Thighs     24"
Biceps     12"

My overall body fat percentage is currently 24.8%  (which is will add is considered "average")
I have a lean mass of 129.3 pounds!

Those last 2 numbers make me feel pretty freakin awesome because I'm down 4% body fat and up 12 pounds lean mass!!!!!  So while I lost only about 6 pounds since July 11... I've GAINED 12 pounds of muscle!!!!!  These numbers feel fantastic!!!!

I have always been a slave to that number on the scale but thanks to Nichole and all the other wonderful women doing Revolt I started taking my body fat measurements using calipers in addition to my scale weight and I must say it is more than a little encouraging to know how much muscle I'm gaining!!!!

Off to go kick some butt in my workout today!  I saw a great motivational quote yesterday that I'll share to hopefully inspire you.... "There's 7 days in the week and 'someday' isn't one of them"  Get on this TODAY!!!!!

Monday, 29 July 2013

whoops... forgot to blog

Wow!  I haven't blogged in almost a week!  I get scatter brained and busy sometimes I guess.

Last week.  I managed to "maintain" in that I lost the 5 pounds I somehow gained over the weekend last week.  Well, not entirely maintained.  I was 174.4 July 18th, and 174.6 July 26.  But I'm glad I was weighing myself daily because then I knew that I had actually done a LOT of work last week. 

I set myself a goal of not over-doing it this weekend and I did not do well at achieving that goal.  I am up 3 pounds this morning.  So, not quite as bad as last week but not as good as I had hoped for.  I still need to lose 5 pounds in order to get to 172.  But, I did that last week so I know I can do it again!

This week is a cardio blast week.  I really hope that it kicks my body into high gear and burns some fat!  By the way, I have been taking my measurements and they haven't changed in 3 weeks. 

My other problem is that I keep skipping Saturday workouts.  So this week I'm going to try to work out everyday Mon-Fri and just plan to take Sat and Sun as my rest days.  It always feels strange to rest on Wed anyways.  We'll see how that goes.

The weather hasn't really felt like a typical July.  The kids are in the house too often, we haven't really been going to the pool.  Today looks just as dreary so that sucks.  Feels more like late August. 

Anyways, off to work out! 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Ups and downs.

This weightloss thing sure has its ups and downs.  Just like life I suppose but I really hate seeing the scale go up.  I don't know how its even possible to gain 5 pounds over 1 weekend.  I didn't even think that I cheated THAT much.  I had McDonald's Friday night.  Saturday I went to a baby shower so I ate spinach dip, coldcuts, cheese and cake.  Then Sunday I weighed myself and I had gained FIVE pounds!!!?? Ugh.  Talk about a little depressing.  By yesterday I had taken off 1 pound and then this morning I've maintained that.  So in order to be down my 2 pound loss goal and weigh 172, I have to lose another 5 pounds by Friday.  Oh, yes, my friend and I decided to change weigh in day to Fridays now.  Since that gives us another day to lose before our free day. 

My new plan, is to not take a full free DAY.  It seems like the idea of a free day lets me cheat way too much and ends up turning into a free weekend.  I want to try to stick to the same meal plan, most importantly eating 6 small meals.  But to maybe replace 1 meal with 1 cheat.  That way hopefully I should not GAIN anything but instead MAINTAIN the weight I end up at on Friday. 

On the bright side, I'm always getting compliments!  We were at my in-laws yesterday and my Father-in-law looked at me and said, "Wow you're getting positively SCRAWNY!"   That made my day!  My other family members all chimed in with compliments as well and it felt so good that other people are seeing the work I'm doing!  I'm not giving up on my goal! 

The food this week so far tastes fabulous!  I love the beginning of the week because I get to eat new recipes again!  Just to give you an idea of the food you'll get to eat if you do this program... breakfast burritos, fish tacos, grilled chicken skewers and strawberry-banana ice "cream"!  Its certainly delicious food! 

I'm still without a vehicle.  Autopac has inspected my van but says it won't be until next week when they get back to me with the amount they'll give me for it.  I think we are going to see if we can just buy a new vehicle guessing how much we'll get.  But of course hubby is busy with work so it's hard for us to go car-shopping during the week.  I just wish I could take the kids to the park or the pool cause I feel like we are getting summer cabin fever around here.

Well, I'm going to get moving for the day!  Time to workout and shower! 

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Weigh in day!

So its weigh in day and I'm so happy with myself!  I lost 3 pounds!!!  174.6  So I'm really on track.  I've been doing GREAT this week.  my only cheats all week have been a handful of popcorn, an iced coffee (with sweetener instead of sugar) and half of a teensy McDonalds kiddie cone.  I'm feeling pretty great today!

I was in Brandon visiting with a friend and her kids so we went to McDonalds and then to a park.  The kids had a ball and then I went and bought a stability ball and kettle weight at Wal-Mart after.  I can't type much because my kids are all demanding my attention at the moment but I just wanted to post a quick update on how things are going.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The little things :)

So if anyone knows me, they'll know that a big joke of mine is that I hate exercise because I HATE sweating.  But here it is, evidence that I'm actually working hard... that's sweat!!!!  eww!!!
See that sweat??
Its actually dripping down my face!

 When you enroll in Revolt Now Fitness one of the great keys to success is the support you receive.  There is a private Facebook group for subscribers who are super supportive and helpful.  Whenever you have questions about the workouts or recipes, you have access not only to the creator of this program but a ton of people who are doing the exact same thing as you!  There are often little comments about the little/big changes they are noticing aside from the numbers on the scale.  So I thought I'd share a couple of the little changes I've noticed in me that has me encouraged! 

This morning, I got out of the shower, wrapped my towel around my body and it hit me.... this towel actually WRAPS AROUND MY BODY!!!!  That has not been true for me for quite a while!  I can remember when I could just get the ends to meet under my armpit, today... they overlap and the towel is actually covering me!!!!  Such a silly "little" realization has brought me a great deal of joy this morning!
Sorry for the blurry pic I never realized that it was blurry till after I got dressed.
My next little/big thing is although my scale weight hasn't moved a whole lot, look at those shorts!  The beginning of this summer I could barely button them!  Now, I can't even wear them because they fall off my bum every time I bend over!  Bring on the shopping please!!!!

Obviously, this journey has its good days and its bad days. Today for me is a pretty good day!  With my frequent weighing I discovered another loss, plus I'm determined to find as many little/big changes in me that I can today :)  To look at all that I've accomplished and feel proud of the work I've done to get here!  My goal is actually within reach and I feel closer to it than ever!


Monday, 15 July 2013

Re-losing weight.

Although I thoroughly enjoyed going for all you can eat sushi on my free day, I'm getting a little tired of re-losing weight.  Its only a pound but its still annoying since I never lost anything last week.  I even ate my regular meal plan all day just to try and not overdo it that didn't work. 

The workout was hard this morning, I struggle so much to keep my balance doing lunges.  Push-ups... pfft.  I can't do those.  Even my window ledge style ones to make them even easier are crazy hard.  I can't wait to get stronger so that I won't struggle so much!

I don't have that ridiculous urge to eat anything and everything yesterday or today so I'm really hoping for a nice big loss this week.  Yes I'm back to weighing myself daily, but I like it.  Thursday will be my official weigh in.  I'm excited that I went swimsuit shopping yesterday and didn't have to shop in plus sizes, bought a size large and it fits wonderfully and I don't feel like a beached whale anymore! 

On the home front, summer is great!  The kids play outside most of the day and we have plenty of fun activities planned.  However, I broke my van.  I was driving along my gravel roads and suddenly come upon a big ridge the grader had left.  A big rock shattered my oil pan, the oil ran out and my engine seized.  We drive older, used vehicles so it is likely going to be a write-off.  Car shopping!  But in the meantime, I'm 'grounded' here at home with no vehicle to use. 

Hubby is in the field cutting hay, kids are outside... think I'll sneak a rest on the couch since my lil girly is napping :)

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Making plans :)

Sorry I missed yesterday everyone.  My day got busy.  So I lost little yesterday morning.  I finally did not feel bloated and hungry yesterday and so I stuck to the meal plan perfectly!!  So proud of myself!  As a result I was down even more today 176!  So that means I lost just over a pound this week but since I had actually gained this week I'm only down .4 over all.  But heck, that's still great news!!! 

I've formulated a plan to deal with my excessive hunger during my period.  Revolt gets you to choose diet 1, 2, or 3 and I landed in diet 1.  So i'm thinking that maybe for the week of my period I'm going to eat diet 2 to see if I can avoid being so hungry and grabbing at junk foods.  But that's a month away. 

I'll just try to focus on the next week!  I'm making my shopping list today and should get to the store tomorrow afternoon and have time to prep it all tomorrow evening.  I am awake nice and early today so I am planning to actually do my Saturday workout for the FIRST TIME EVER since starting Revolt!  Yeah!!! 

It's my free day, but I must admit because of all the cheating I did this week and that I've finally got the scale back to where I started I'm really tempted NOT to cheat.  So far I ate the breakfast from the meal plan, cause I actually really like it.  My cheat so far has been that I put a little milk in my coffee :)  I'm just going to wait and see what my day brings and not "plan" a whole lot of cheating.

My house is in desperate need of a good top to bottom cleaning, so I'm going to try to accomplish that today and get caught up on laundry again.  Its such repetitive work that never seems to actually get done.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Lady Talk

I almost didn't blog today.  I'm so sad.  I went through the difficult task of detaching myself from my beloved scale for a whole week....and it kicked me in the arse. 

So before I disclose the wretched truth I'll tell that this week I started my period.  I am bloated and hungry and bitchy.  I tried to not get discouraged but I did cheat on my meal plan a little, everyday.  So I suppose I shouldn't be completely surprised by my scale's revelation this morning.  But it still hurts to be betrayed by something I'm so close to.  I was up a pound from last week :(  Actually 1.2 pounds.  177.6   *oof*  Depressing.

My husband and my dear friend reminded me that I'm probably retaining water due to my lady time.  So I googled to see if they are just humoring me.  I am happy to report that according to many women on a thread discussing this exact topic,  say the same thing!  Actually, some of them noted that they are often up as much as 5-10 pounds!!!  woah!  I suppose I should thank my lucky stars that I didn't gain THAT much!  Here's the link.

I still managed to get my workout in this morning, despite my great sadness as a result of my failure.  So, I am just hoping that I can do better next week.  I feel torn between resuming my daily weigh-ins so I won't be so stunned if something like this happens again and trying to stay off it again this week to see if I like it better when it's not that time of the month. 

Regardless, I hope that by reporting this news other people trying to accomplish this huge task of getting in shape and eating healthy can feel that they are not alone if this happens or has happened to you.

I've got a big task today.  Heading out of my house to take the kids for a playdate at a friend's house.  This means I have to pack along my food to eat there and not eat birthday cake.  I'm also going to bring 2 full litres of water so hopefully I can stick to my meal plan and avoid the temptations.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Everyone needs a bosom for a pillow

Being a stay at home mom of 4 little darlings has its share of work.  Despite what any naysayers to this statement believe, I don't sit around watching soap operas eating bon bons.  Having 6 people living in a house creates a LOT of mess.  There is constantly meals being eaten, toys and books and puzzles being left out and a constant nagging to "put that away when you're finished, bring your dishes to the sink, take that bag of garbage out, wipe the seat if you tinkle... etc etc"  Doing Revolt has been fabulous for me, but taking 2 hours every morning to do the warm up, workout and then shower and dress means 2 hours of NOT doing the other stuff.  So today being my "rest day" means, oh wow, I really need to get that laundry folded and mop my floors and hopefully get the bathroom scrubbed because I haven't gotten that done in a while.  And of course this is between making breakfast, doing the dishes, helping kids get dressed, go potty, brush teeth, change a diaper and then next thing you know its time to make lunch.  Don't forget the coloring, playdough, puzzles, crafts, read me a book requests.  Its no wonder daycare is so expensive, caring for kids is a big job. 

I still haven't weighed myself... because of course I can't.  I sure have wanted to!  I can't wait for tomorrow to see if all my hard work has paid off!  I'm not at all bored of the food this week, its all fabulous and I'm happy to keep eating it.  I've done a lot better at sticking to my meals but have still snuck in the occasional bite of this or that...oops.  I do wonder however if that is because I'm still nursing a toddler... I never did ask if I should eat more calories or not due to that fact.  But mostly that's because she really only nurses once or twice a day.  Yesterday was a cute day.  She refused to take her nap at the usual time and around 4:30 the poor thing was exhausted and asked for num nums.  We layed down on the couch together and she actually took a wee nap on me for the first time in a while.  So here's my lil girly having a nice snooze with a booby pillow  :)

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Darling daughter's camera work

I gave my big girly my phone again.  I think I'm going to charge up the battery for my actual camera for the next time I get her to photograph a workout though because out of 170 pics only about 10 were not blurry!

So this morning I did get up early but it was so cold in my house that I did not feel like working out yet.  Then I realized that my one and only sports bra and outfit were still in the washer so I had to dry that first.  I think it may be time to go buy at least one more workout outfit!  So by the time I was ready to workout, everyone was up.  I got them all breakfast then finally got to work!

I stuck to my meal plan pretty well yesterday but in the end cheated a little cause I finished off something my lil boy didn't eat... some pasta salad.  I swear I just want to get through ONE day where I don't cheat a little.  I'm still dying to weigh myself... I can't wait until Thursday! 

In life, I'm going to try to sort through and clean the boys room today.. if I can walk after all those squats and wall sits!  I counted and I did around 140 squats today!!!  woah!  I never thought I'd EVER say that!  I feel really good about myself, but wow do I hurt!  Lower body sculpt days just KILL ME!  But I'm always happy that I did it in the end!

So without further adieu, here is my big girly's photography....

Monday, 8 July 2013

Shoes are helpful :)

Good thing I made hubby hide my scale.  I dunno if I can do this!  I wake up and my routine is to pee, then step on that scale!  I feel separation anxiety and then I already start to question myself... I look in the mirror and think "Do I look bloated?" 
Of course my tiny rational voice says, "you are fine, you followed the meal plan you probably lost weight!" 
But that ridiculously loud voice continues to throw doubtful thoughts in there like "ya, but how much did you gain on your free day?  maybe you'll be working all week just to get back to where you were?  if you had weighed yourself after your free day then you'd know where you are at!  Weigh yourself now and you'll know what you're working towards for the week!"
But Im staying off that thing until Thursday!

Anyways, enough about inner wars.  I did do great yesterday!  I feel so good about myself I bet whatever I did gain on my free day I lost yesterday!  Its only 7:30 so I actually got up before everyone, probably because I was so stinking excited to eat my fruit and yogurt parfait with granola!  I just finished downloading my workout video so I can go workout right away...before anyone is up to bug me :) I'll come finish this post after my workout!

Wow that felt great!!  I sweated and I hurt but I feel awesome!!! I did something that again seems like a no brainer... I wore shoes.  It goes along with my other weird excuse that I've broken which is that I started wearing workout clothes, mostly cause once I put them on I realized how good they fit!  So today I put on shoes and I am sooo glad I did!  The squats were so much easier to keep my balance while wearing shoes!

I managed to finish JUST as my littlest lil woke up!  Plunked her in front of cartoons, which of course alerted the other kids that it was morning.  I managed to sneak in a quick shower... which by the way, does anyone else miss shaving foam?  Its all shave gel now unless you buy cheap men's shave foam, which I do but then I smell all manly till I put body lotion on... haha! 

I'm really enjoying my protein shake today.  I've never been so happy to have a shake after that detox week!   I was sure sick of eating so much food while feeling so hungry!

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Free Day was awesome!!!  I ate.  A lot.  mmm.  I've decided to start a new thang.  Inspired by the wonderful support group on the Revolt Fitness Facebook group I'm part of.  I'm not weighing myself except for once a week.  It shall be Thursdays.  So I'll be sure to start telling you all my stats every Thursday!  What everyone was saying about weighing yourself daily being discouraging has never been the case with me.  I've usually enjoyed seeing those lil steps down my scale was making and even maintaining my weight from one day to the next felt good.  But I would often justify little cheats within my day based on how well I was doing.  So if I lost 1-2 pounds in a day I would think "I'm doing great, its ok if I have this ONE little bite of something"  I'm hoping that by changing this daily weigh-in habit I'll break through this and stick more closely to my meal plans.  I did take pics today.  But I wish I had done it on Thursday when I wasn't bloated from my free day because I'm having a hard time seeing a big change even though I've lost a full 8 pounds in 3 weeks.  I'm going to wait and take more pics THIS Thursday after I've been awesome for one more week :)  I'm really hoping to see at least a 2 pound loss from my last weight of 176.4

I've prepped all my food.  Let me say it was torture to make me melt chocolate for those chocolate dipped banana bites on my last day of detox!!!  Otherwise I'm super excited about this week!  The food looks awesome and I'm going to try to stick to the plan.
I get one of these delicious morsels each day next week!
I did not work out yesterday.  oops.  I slept in again and had to get everyone dressed and out the door to make it to our family gathering yesterday.  I feel like such a boring person as I tend to spend a lot of time talking about my new lifestyle and weightloss.... hahaha.  Hopefully people don't find me annoying!  I'm kinda glad I took sat and sun for rest days because yesterday I was still VERY sore but today I feel really good.  I think I needed the break.  But I'm ready to hurt all over again tomorrow!!!!

Well I should go do dishes and put away laundry :)

Friday, 5 July 2013

Tomorrow is my free day!!!!

I can't wait until tomorrow!!!!  There is a family get together for me to pig out at!  I'm so sick of dieting right now.  I can't wait to eat some sweets and salty foods and CARBS!  Oh how I miss my carbs!  Sucky part is I gotta go to my kitchen right away and make a pasta salad and some cupcakes for tomorrow and I would get to do any taste testing :(((  OH well just think how great it will all taste tomorrow!

I got up and did my workout today.  My kids were much less supportive this morning.  My littlest lil just kept wanting me to pick her up and getting in the way.  I just about knocked her head with the weight a couple times!  Poor lil thang.  Then my big boy kept begging me to turn on cartoons alternating with "aren't you done yet Mom?"  *insert lots of whining and long sighs*  But I got it done.  I still can't even do the girly pushups and instead braced my hands on my bay window ledge so that I was at even less of an incline.  My poor shoulders today.. ugh.  But I did it!  yeah!  I feel so good when I do my workout!  Tomorrow my big goal is to actually get up and do my workout by 7 so that none of them are up yet!

Short post today!  Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Summer Break brings new routine!

So now that my older 2 kids aren't having to rush out the door by 8am to catch the school bus we are all sleeping a little later...and of course staying up a LOT later at night.  I have been doing my workouts with four little cheerleaders all week.  So this morning I got dressed and handed the camera to my 7 year old daughter.  My boys were outside in the sandbox and of course my lil one was in there helping me out.  These aren't the best pics but I'll just share them with you anyways because its fun!  There's a couple that are ridiculously blurry but too cute not to include.  Please enjoy!

By the way... I was 176.8 this morning and that is officially the least I've weighed in 10 YEARS!  years!!!!  I'm feeling on top of the world this morning!!!  I did the warmup video and the cardio workout because I hadn't been doing a warmup and my genius sis-in-law pointed out that THAT could be the reason why I'm so stinking sore all the time!  LOL... should be a no brainer.  I was always concerned about the time. 

I'm holding a pillow cause I don't have a stability ball

Watching Mama

And the bear sequence

She put the bear on my back while I was trying to do the plank to pike!  haha!

blurry but TOO CUTE!